Working within the human context

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The PTA team on construction site tour. Last Friday, the team visited our three largest housing projects (actually, they are all mixed-use projects) in the city of Brussels, that are currently under construction : Gay (together with @java_archi) : housing + offices + daycare Kosy : student housing + offices Transvaal : housing + offices

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The construction of the mixed-use project ‘Gay’ has started. The project, which combines offices, childcare and housing, focuses strongly on collectivity and bringing different users together, e.g. through a shared green courtyard, but also through shared winter gardens throughout the building. Reusable materials in the existing houses were inventoried, recovered from demolition and sorted ready for reuse in the new project. Meticulous work for the contractor.

Project together with JAVA

afbeelding post

Spring op 8 oktober binnen op Campus Kortenberg (UPC KU Leuven), tijdens de Open Geest dagen, een initiatief van Te Gek?! Je krijgt hier de kans, via een vrij toegankelijke tentoonstelling, kennis te maken met het veelzijdige masterplan voor de zorgcampus. Het ontwerp van PTArchitecten zal de komende jaren in uitvoering worden gebracht. De campus werd uitgewerkt als een groen en open masterplan, dat alle innovatieve zorgprincipes uitdraagt.

Meer info op: en

Rondleidingen starten elk uur.

looking for a new colleague2

PTA is looking for a Dutch speaking team member! Are you a creative (engineer) architect or urbanist who loves to operate on projects of different scales? Send your cv, portfolio and motivation letter to !


afbeelding 2

PTA was selected along with four other architectural offices to build the lotting Papenhof, near the centre of Mechelen. In the lotting of mostly grey brickwork dwellings, PTA’s white aluminium houses are clearly distinguishable. The houses are based on a very simple floor plan that can be filled in with maximum flexibility and personalisation by the residents. In terms of energy, the houses are almost energy neutral (BEN).


Together with Endeavour, PTA was commissioned by the Province of East Flanders to develop the ‘Blauwdruk Toekomststrategie Stedelijk gebied Beveren’. This outlines a future image of the desired spatial developments. The ambitions of the preliminary process were translated into thematic maps. These formed the base for the transition stories for Beveren towards 2050, on the topics of housing & identity, mobility & facilities and public space & green-blue networks.

The plans were enriched by workshops and bicycle tours with various actors. In the next phase, we will rework 3 scenarios to one preferred scenario, containing a program and strategic places. We are looking forward to the results!


DWC Conscience is the very first contrat de quartier for the municipality of Evere. Together with JAVA and Brat, PTA was assigned to the project. We located this green furniture for one year on the square in front of the church in Evere to make the DWC visible. This table offers space and is the topic of conversation for various participation moments where locals can ask questions and express their opinions. Neighbouring schools, local associations and residents already stopped by.


PTA was 1 of the 5 offices assigned to conduct research and offer spatial expertise to local authorities in Flanders, between 2018 and 2020 in the context of the Bouwmeesterscan. We made the scan for 12 municipalities: Olen, Diksmuide, Wervik, Heusden-Zolder, Huldenberg, Grobbendonk, Kampenhout, Meise, Temse, Ternat, Erpe-Mere en Sint-Truiden. Last week Tine Van Herck, PTA’s cofounder, was a guest speaker at ‘Thematisch atrium: wat na de bouwmeesterscan ? Systeemdenken in gebiedsontwikkeling.’ She highlighted the added value of independent expertise in spatial thinking.


In 2014, we were awarded the Contrat de Quartier Durable Petite Senne, our first ‘neighbourhood contract’, after which several others followed. We introduced the ‘vision à long terme’, stretched between two focal points: on the one hand, a large park at the Porte de Ninove, and on the other, an ambitious mix of housing, production, crèches, studios,... around a large covered central hall as a winter garden. The park at the Porte de Ninove has been in use for several years now, and yesterday the 'Grande Halle' was also officially opened. The masterplan we made for the Grande Halle was partly realised today (crèche by @zampone.architectuur, Grande Halle by @zampone.architectuur and @escaut.architectures, and studios and housing by @b612architectes) and the adjacent project for Circus Zonder Handen will hopefully start soon. The winter garden may be a little less green than we anticipated, but it has become a beautiful urban renovation project Molenbeek can be proud of.

PTA Breekt uit!

PTA breekt uit

In 2020 PTA contributed to the workbook ‘Proeftuinen Ontharding’, a project of Omgeving Vlaanderen. In 2022, we are excited to announce that PTA is selected once again to be design supervisor for the projects ‘groenblauwe dooradering in de bebouwde ruimte’ (green-blue veining in built-up areas), another great initiative by the flemish government.

This photo was taken at PTA’s Schengen Square in Antwerp, where the ‘ontharding’ (removal of pavement) is becoming reality.

412 Doorwaadbaar landbouwpark 2R-01

What better way to start the school year than to tell you about our study for campus Horteco in Vilvoorde ! PTA and ARAF finalised the financial and spatial feasibility study regarding the Horteco campus. The agricultural identity of the campus in Vilvoorde was strengthened and highlighted by providing new classrooms inside the big greenhouse. The images represent design concepts that outline a spatial framework for screening future investments for the campus.

Team Profploeg


In Flanders, 11.1% of commercial premises are currently empty. In 2020, the Flemish Government proposed the plan ‘Werk aan de Winkel’: an initiative to support local businesses, from which the Profploeg emerged.

The Profploeg is a team of experts, advising local authorities on spatial planning, e-commerce, real estate, events, social media or urban logistics. The aim of the Profploeg is to stimulate the policy of industriousness by providing targeted advice and guidance. PTA is responsible for the urbanism and spatial planning component.

The Profploeg is an initiative of VLAIO and a total of 82 municipalities in Flanders have started the project.

La vie en rose


For the contrat de quartier ‘DWC Zwarte Vijvers / CQD Etangs Noirs’ PTA designed together with JES (and in collaboration with Lukas Geerens) various installations in the public space. The colourful furniture makes the planned developments visible and experienceable. Several squares and parks will become connected public space, child and youth friendly areas to play and meet.

365 bezoek referentieprojecten UPC 5

PTA is currently finalising the masterplan for Z.orgsite 2030-2050 UPC Kortenberg. In the context of this assignment, a team from PTA visited several innovative care projects. Thanks @Kleinveldekens, @Monnikenheide.spectrum and @hetgielsbos for the warm welcome ! These beautiful and inspiring projects all share PTA’s ambition to design an innovative, sustainable and homelike future in healthcare.


PTA was assigned to carry out the ‘concept study Willemskwartier’ in Hasselt. The programming of various unoccupied administrative buildings in the heart of Hasselt was used as a lever to establish a development vision for the city centre, government buildings, green areas, public space,...

The study examines the capitalisation of reallocation and vacancy in relation to core reinforcement, in awareness of the ‘visual quality‘ (beeldkwaliteit) of the neighbourhood.

park EN 2

Festive inauguration of parc Etangs Noirs in Molenbeek. An orchard (the fruit trees still have to grow a bit) connects Rue Menin and Rue Etangs Noirs, and openings (clairières) are cut out for various uses (meeting, sports, games, eating, climbing, etc.). Materials, trees and play equipment were reused from the existing, smaller park.

Official opening of the park by minister president @rudivervoort , mayor @catherine_moureaux and échevin @jef_vandamme.

foto's new york kaai 1

The works on the New Yorkkaai, as well as the second phase of the Schengen Square, are in full swing. Phase 1 and 2 combined, PTA designed almost 35.000 m² of public space, with large green areas with natural vegetation. The square is extended into the water of the dock by a large wooden pontoon on different levels. The photo shows the construction of this pontoon in the water. Looking forward to the result !

in cooperation with @sweco_belgium, @aertssengroup and @ag_vespa

PTA is expanding!

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PTA is growing : we are looking for a Dutch or French speaking team member. Are you a creative team player with a passion for architecture and urbanism ? Are you an (engineer) architect and/or urbanist who loves to operate on projects of different scales, preferably with experience ?

Send your cv, portfolio and motivation letter asap to !

PTA is expanding!


PTA is looking for a Dutch or French speaking team member! Are you a creative team player with a passion for architecture and urbanism? Are you an (engineer) architect urbanist or landscape architect who loves to operate on projects of different scales?

Send your cv, portfolio and motivation letter to before 10/01! (options for both short and long term, as well full and part-time)

afbeeldingen dendermonde

In cooperation with Anteagroup, PTA developed a differentiated densification strategy for the city of Dendermonde.

The residential area of Dendermonde was divided into 3 zones: growth (city and urban edges), conservation (villages) and preservation of open space (ribbon development). For each zone, PTA evaluated the added value of densification. Based on the housing requirements of various inhabitants, PTA drew up a strategy with priorities, design principles, references and typologies.

More information on:

render materiaalstraat

Building permit obtained for the Materiaalstraat project !

This project contains mainly student housing (45 rooms, 65 studio’s and 155 m² of common space) but also 550 m² of commercial and office space. The project is divided into three separate volumes, each with their own character. The only remnants of the former company in construction materials Cantillana, i.e. the protected industrial façade and wall, are preserved and will enclose the inner courtyard.

Images : @polygon_3d

Profploeg voorpagina

We are the Profploeg!

The next two years we will be helping Flemish cities and municipalities to bring back the dynamics in their city centers! We, experts from Quares, University of Antwerp, PTArchitecten, Endeavour, Common Ground, DIFT, Billie Bonkers, The Retail Factory, Traject and Adhemar Law.

Assigned by Vlaio, we will provide innovative advice on topics such as hidden gems with potential, innovative retail concepts and attracting businesses. We can also be called on for help with parking policies or the use of social media to promote commercial centres.

Opiniestuk A+

a+ artikel

Spotted in the September edition of A+ magazine.

The opinion of our co-founder Tine Van Herck, on how the size and perception of the child should change the city.

« It could be so simple, if with every decision we would ask the question: does this benefit the children in the city? »

PTA is expanding!

P030 looking for a new colleague

PTA is looking for a Dutch or French speaking team member! Are you a creative jack-of-all-trades with a passion for architecture and urbanism? Are you an (engineer) architect or urbanist who loves to operate on projects of different scales?

Send your cv, portfolio and motivation letter to!

2020-11-17 11_57_22-ARCHI URBAIN (15_09) _ La participation citoyenne (au travers du projet Transvaa

Archi Urbain est une émission qui parle d'architecture et d'urbanisme. Elle est diffusée depuis 2006 sur la chaine belge BX1. Dans l'émission de 15/9, Elle aborde la participation citoyenne à travers le témoignage de deux organismes de la Région Bruxelles-Capitale : RenovaS qui travaille principalement à l’échelle du quartier dans la commune de Schaerbeek et le Community Land Trust Brussels qui propose l’acquisition de logements à des personnes à bas revenus. Interviews : Nicolas Boroukhoff, Directeur (RenovaS), Thibault Leroy, Coordinateur (Community Land Trust Brussels) et Marie Umetesi (Habitante du projet le Nid et membre participante Archilabs). Afin d’illustrer cette participation citoyenne, nous avons invité Anna Chiambretto, Chargée de projets immobiliers – Transvaal (Community Land Trust Brussels) – Tine Van Herck, Ir. Architecte et Urbaniste (PTArchitecten) – Florentine Sieux, Architecte (PTArchitecten) – Caroline Kints, Ingénieur gestionnaire de projets (MK Engineering) à venir parler du projet de logements Transvaal sur la commune d’Anderlecht.

Zie de volledige reportage ARCHI URBAIN maakte:

P030 365 Kortenberg

Het Universitair Psychiatrisch Centrum KU Leuven zocht een sterk ontwerpteam voor de opmaak van een innovatief en toekomstbestendig masterplan voor hun volledige campus Kortenberg. PTA stelde een evolutieve ontwikkelingsvisie 2050 voor een inclusieve campus voor. UPC KU Leuven koos PTA uit vijf ambiteuse inzendingen. Bekijk de verschillende voorstellen op de site van de Vlaamse Bouwmeester! website


Binnen het IABR atelier Oost-Vlaams kerngebied (OVK) werkte PTA een studie uit rond water en ontwikkelingsvraagstukken, in opdracht van de provincie Oost-Vlaanderen. Het OVK demonstratieproject in Lievegem door PTA (i.s.m. Antea), ligt al enkele maanden achter ons. Sinds de webinars in mei/juni zat het team OVK echter niet stil. Met een nieuwe titel ‘Meer mensen, meer toekomst’ gaat het strategisch project haar laatste weken in en lanceert OVK een nieuw online platform op 24 november om 15u. Op dit platform kunnen de gemeentes simulaties maken voor de kansrijke omgevingstypes in hun gebied. Zo kunnen ze én inzetten op transities én hun bevolkingsgroei opvangen. Benieuwd? Schijf je gerust in voor dit spannende uurtje:

PTA is hiring!

P030 looking for a new colleague

Are you a creative jack-of-all-trades with a passion for architecture and urbanism? Are you an (engineer) architect or urbanist who loves to operate on projects of different scales? And maybe the most important: Are you eager to work with the human context?

Send your cv, portfolio and motivation letter to!

P030 Online content Instagram 4E5

“PTA wil zo positief mogelijk de actuele situatie benaderen. Daarom nemen we de extra tijd die we niet spenderen aan pendelen, meetings en presentaties om tips te verzamelen om gemeenten te helpen in het creëren van levendigere centra, meer kwalitatieve publieke ruimte en sterkere ecosysteemdiensten. Wil je deze handige tips verzamelen, vergeet dan zeker niet onze Instagram te volgen!”

PTA haalde veel inspiratie uit de Bouwmeester Scans (Vlaamse Bouwmeester) en de proeftuinen ontharding (Omgeving Vlaanderen). Deze vier tips kan elke gemeente of stad morgen al meenemen.

P030 Online content Instagram 4E4

“PTA wil zo positief mogelijk de actuele situatie benaderen. Daarom nemen we de extra tijd die we niet spenderen aan pendelen, meetings en presentaties om tips te verzamelen om gemeenten te helpen in het creëren van levendigere centra, meer kwalitatieve publieke ruimte en sterkere ecosysteemdiensten. Wil je deze handige tips verzamelen, vergeet dan zeker niet onze Instagram te volgen!”

Kleiner en compacter wonen hoeft niet hand in hand te gaan met minder kwaliteit, integendeel! Vijf ontwerpconcepten die PTA regelmatig toepast voor het bouwen en verbouwen van compacte woonentiteiten.

P030 Online content Instagram 4E3

“PTA wil zo positief mogelijk de actuele situatie benaderen. Daarom nemen we de extra tijd die we niet spenderen aan pendelen, meetings en presentaties om tips te verzamelen om gemeenten te helpen in het creëren van levendigere centra, meer kwalitatieve publieke ruimte en sterkere ecosysteemdiensten. Wil je deze handige tips verzamelen, vergeet dan zeker niet onze Instagram te volgen!”

Een co-creatief traject gaat op zoek naar gemeenschappelijke doelen en ideeën die leiden tot win-win situaties voor verschillende betrokkenen. Daarnaast wordt een draagvlak gevormd voor verandering. PTA bouwde ervaring op met diverse co-creatieve trajecten (cfr. verschillende (duurzame) wijkcontracten, schoolcontracten, het Pilootproject ‘Terug in omloop’ Lageweg Hoboken, conceptstudie Tempelhof Brugge, dorpskarakterschetsen Heist-op-den-berg,…). Deze zes stappen zijn voor ons belangrijk om zo’n traject te doen slagen.

P030 Online content Instagram 4E2

“PTA wil zo positief mogelijk de actuele situatie benaderen. Daarom nemen we de extra tijd die we niet spenderen aan pendelen, meetings en presentaties om tips te verzamelen om gemeenten te helpen in het creëren van levendigere centra, meer kwalitatieve publieke ruimte en sterkere ecosysteemdiensten. Wil je deze handige tips verzamelen, vergeet dan zeker niet onze Instagram te volgen!

PTA extraheerde dit handige stappenplan voor het beschermen van open ruimte uit de studies die het team uitvoerde in context van de Bouwmeester Scan en de daaraan gekoppelde provinciale atria.

P030 Online content Instagram 4E

“PTA wil zo positief mogelijk de actuele situatie benaderen. Daarom nemen we de extra tijd die we niet spenderen aan pendelen, meetings en presentaties om tips te verzamelen om gemeenten te helpen in het creëren van levendigere centra, meer kwalitatieve publieke ruimte en sterkere ecosysteemdiensten. Wil je deze handige tips verzamelen, vergeet dan zeker niet onze Instagram te volgen!”

PTA stelde in de BWMscan voor Meise een eenvoudige beslissingsboom voor om op perceels-niveau een indicatie te geven waar meergezinswoningen (of het opdelen van bestaande woningen) al dan niet mogelijk/wenselijk is.

Publica Awards 2020

publica awards

Honored to announce that 2 PTA projects are selected for the Publica Awards 2020! Both "PTA148 BONNEVIE" and "PTA126 CADIXPLEIN (Shengenplein)" are nominated in the category "Urban Development, Infrastructure & Mobility".

Final price is decided by voting...

Vote for us via

Discover more about "PTA148 BONNEVIE"

Discover more about "PTA126 CADIXPLEIN (Shengenplein)"


PTA, together with Traject and M-tech, is putting the last hand on the scan for the municipality of Ternat.


“PTA is proud to be selected for the OPEN OPROEP 'Masterplan Zorgsite 2030-2050 voor UPC KU Leuven te Kortenberg'. We are currently exploring different scenarios.”

PTA 10+2


2 parties in one : our 12th anniversary and already 2 years in our new building. Thank you all !

BKP geel

We are proud to announce that while Antea prepares the RUP, PTA will develop a 'Beeldkwaliteitsplan' for the shopping area of Geel



PTA and OYO are selected to hand in their offer to create a development strategy for an administrative center in Heist-op-den-Berg

Parc étang noir

350 parc etangs noirs

PTA is selected to expand and redesign the Parc étang Noir in Molenbeek


PTA's schoolcontracten published in the new handbook from UNICEF 'shaping urbanization for children'


in the context of the 'veerkrachtige dorpen' project, PTA was assigned to develop a 'Dorpskarakterschets' for 3 small church villages in Heist-op-den-berg.

PTA designs PREAUX


PTA is going to redesign all the shelters for the French speaking schools in Molenbeek.


We are very happy to announce that the sustainable district contract DWC STEPHENSON in Schaerbeek is assigned to PTA.


The team PTA-BRUT-JAVA has presented their proprosal for three new buildings at the CERIA campus

selection Papenhof


PTA is selected to be one of the architects for the Papenhof housing ward in Mechelen

boekje 2.0

What should be the attitude of a designer in today’s society where all certainties threaten to disappear? How to contribute something small to the world in order to create a stronger tissue, a safety net, a solid foundation?

Or even more important, how to pursue a Joie de vivre for the users, passers and ourselves ...? What is or could be the role of the designer in this complex world?

Those questions are inherent for the practice of architecture, urbanism, urban design and planning.

In this frame of questions and ambitions, PTA presents the PUBLICATION working within the human context 2.0

new PTA office


We have moved to our new offices ! come and visit us at Rue Fernand Brunfaut 12 (acces by the Rue Du Cheval Noir is still possible) in Molenbeek

PechaKucha Ghent


PTA presents 400 seconds during the PechaKucha in Ghent.

international jury


BELGISCHE PRIJS VOOR ARCHITECTUUR 2016, Van Herck Tine as member of the international jury & speaker at the award ceremony.

Opening Klimop


Completion first phase of the Klimop primary school
The children explore their new school !